Newaygo Area District Library Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of the Newaygo Area District Library consists of seven members. Brooks Township appoints two board members, the City of Newaygo appoints two board members, and Garfield Township appoints two board members.

In addition, one board member shall be appointed by the legislative bodies of the Participating Municipalities on a rotating basis in alphabetical order as follows:

  • 1) Brooks Township
  • 2) Garfield Township
  • 3) City of Newaygo

PRESIDENT David Chambers City of Newaygo 12/31/2026
VICE-PRESIDENT Cindy Blamer Garfield Township 12/31/2027
TREASURER Sharon Haege Brooks Township 12/31/2026
SECRETARY Samantha Kauffman Garfield Township 12/31/2024
TRUSTEE Candy Wells Brooks Township 12/31/2024
TRUSTEE Patty Goodman City of Newaygo 12/31/2024
* TRUSTEE Christian Burns City of Newaygo 12/31/2027

*Floating Position (Current is Newaygo, next is Brooks, then Garfield)

In the event of a vacancy on the Board, the Participating Municipality that made the appointment shall appoint a board member to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.

Newaygo Area District Library Board Meetings

All board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month and begin at 5:30 P.M. in the Newaygo City Chamber Room.  Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or accommodations to attend the meetings please contact Library Interim Director Mary Franklin at (231) 652-6723 or

Library Agenda and Board Meeting Minutes