Walk In Our Shoes

Ever wish other people knew what it was like to walk in your shoes? You feel terribly misunderstood, but have never been able to express yourself? You’re not alone! There are so many people just like you worldwide who struggle with mental illness, self-esteem, and so many other things but are unequipped to talk about them. During the month of May, which is Mental Health Awareness Month, we are endeavoring to help people of all ages become more confident in expressing how they feel and make sure they have a chance to have their voices heard.

Stop in to the Newaygo Library and add your shoe to our board! Here’s what you do:

Find a shoe (there are three choices). Once you have a shoe, write down three things about yourself or how you are feeling. Coloring supplies are provided if you wish to decorate your shoe. If you have questions, refer to the example below. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, visit walkinourshoes.org or see the list of resources provided.