covid stories

Share Your Stories

The Newaygo Area District Library is asking Newaygo County residents to share their personal COVID-19 stories. These stories will be preserved in the library’s collection to keep a history of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic upon Newaygo County residents.

Stories can be submitted here:

The COVID-19 pandemic is something that most people have not experienced in a lifetime. While there are many news reports, the library would like to capture the personal stories about what is happening in our community in order to help create a shared memory of this time.

Submitted stories will become a part of the Newaygo Area District Library’s permanent collection. Anyone is welcome to participate by simply filling out the form on the website. Most of the questions are optional, and people can answer what they are comfortable with. We also invite participants to share images. You can email images to:

“We are living in a historic moment. This is new territory for everyone,” said Director Kelly Tinkham. “Larger institutions, such as the Grand Rapids Public Library, are collecting stories from their region. I think it is important to gain the perspective of more local areas in Newaygo County. By sharing personal stories, we gain perspective of our own fluctuating emotions during this rapidly changing time. Listening to other people’s experiences is powerful. We build community and recognize that we are not alone in our struggles, and we learn how we can encourage our neighbors.”

Submit your story here: