Lakeland Library Cooperative, has partnered with Midwest Collaborative for Library Services, and Suburban Library Cooperative to share certain digital resources. These resources can be accessed through each individual location using the Libby mobile app.

Getting Started with Libby

Libby is a mobile app that enables you to borrow all your favorite eBooks & eAudiobooks from NADL through the Lakeland Library Cooperative AND our partners, Midwest Collaborative and Suburban Library Collaborative.

All you need is your library card and you can access tons of amazing new and popular eBooks and Audiobooks!
Whether you have a Nook, a Kindle, iPad, or a smart phone; you can get great books for free! You can even download Audiobooks onto your MP3 player or computer.

STEP 1:  Install the Libby app from your device’s app store.

Or, visit in your Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge browser.

STEP 2:   Open the app and find Lakeland Library Cooperative (LLC).  You can search by library, city or zip code.

STEP 3:  Browse your LLC’s collection and borrow a title.  When prompted, sign in  You will need a valid library card to complete this step.

STEP 4:   Borrowed titles appear on your SHELF and download to the app automatically so you can read them when you are offline.

From your SHELF you can:

  • Tap Start Reading or Start Listening to open a title.
  • Tap the cover image, then Send to Device to send a book to Kindle.

From your LOANS, you can:

  • Tap Read With… to choose where you’d like to read the book (Kindle or Libby), then finish sending to Kindle (U.S. libraries only) or start reading in Libby.
  • Tap Open Audiobook or Open Magazine to start reading or listening to that title.
  • Tap Manage Loan to see options like Renew and Retur.

If you need more help with Libby, please visit Libby Help. Happy reading!

If you want access to even more eBooks and eAudiobooks visit our Partners Midwest Collaborative or Suburban Library Collaborative.
You can use this icon in the upper right hand corner to toggle between library services.

TAP the Libby icon in the upper right hand corner of your screen.

TAP “Add a Library”

 You can search for you library by name, city or zip code. 

Scroll thru the list until you find the one you are looking for – TAP it

Tap Choose a Location

Tap Your City

Enter your Library Card Number and SIGN IN

Here is your Card – TAP Next

You can add additional libraries now, or you can TAP on the library and start searching their collection.

TAP HIDE in the upper right and it will bring you back to the library to search.

To add another Cooperative, TAP the Libby icon in the upper right corner and it will take you back to the “Add a Library” screen.  Go through the same processes as above to add the other Cooperatives.  This is what you should end up with.