Signup for a FREE Financial Wellness Workshop!
The New Year is a great time to hit reset and identify new financial goals.
Many people however do not know where to begin when it comes to managing finances, much less financial goal setting.
This seminar is designed to give people the necessary tools to establish healthy spending habits, including how to budget, managing debt, knowing how to check your credit score, what to look for when applying for student loans, and much more!
Face Masks are required.
Registration is Required and limited to 8 participants.
To register onlinehere: FINANCIAL WELLNESS or call the Library at 231-652-6723.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, attendance at all Library In-Person Events will be limited to the number of participants allowed by the State of Michigan at the time. Openings for this class will be under a first come, first serve, basis.
All supplies will be provided.