December 12, 2020
10:30 am
Newaygo Area District Library - Conference Room
Warm up your winter with a watercolor painting workshop filled with fun!
Participants are given step-by-step watercolor instruction by artist Lori Eslick.
Register online here: https://tockify.com/newaygolibrary/detail/371/1607787000000
or by calling the library 231-652-6723.
This class has limited attendance for social distancing reasons.
Face-masks are required to be worn.
If this class must be rescheduled, the alternate date will be Sat. Jan 16, 2021.
The monthly Michigan Grown Arts program at the Newaygo library features a broad range of artists and speakers for monthly variety Teen and Adult programming. This activity is supported by the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs Minigrant Program, administered by LowellArts.